Saint Lucia Delegation Tours St. Vincent and the Grenadines Cannabis Establishments.

A delegation from the Government of Saint Lucia arrived in St. Vincent and the Grenadines on Wednesday 8 June to conduct a tour of several cannabis establishments.
The team met with Hon. Minister Saboto Caesar and members of Staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Medicinal Cannabis Authority.
Minister Caesar noted that, “We are prepared to share information with our brothers and sisters in Saint Lucia as we work to build a world class medical cannabis platform in the sub-region. St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a technopole for plant based research in the 21st Century. We have successfully established a brand in the Western Hemisphere as a prime destination for research in plant-based medicine inclusive of cannabis. This new era is expected to attract investors interested in funding researchers, with the ultimate goal – the improvement of global healthcare for humanity”.
 The Minister of Commerce of Saint Lucia and Chairperson of the Cannabis Taskforce, Hon. Emma Hippolyte, noted that the fact finding mission seeks to draw on best practices globally so as to best inform the path that the Saint Lucia industry will take. The Minister is accompanied by Deputy Chairperson Dylan Norbert Inglis and PRO Verne Emmanuel.