Good Practice Movement (GPM) Foundational Document (FD)
Why the need for this movement?
Generally, we feel there is a need for improvement in everything we do – parenting, teaching, running a business, gardening, delivering to the public and our communities, etc. Yet, we might not have a group of people to discuss our ideas, successes, issues and lessons learnt. Not enough information is being exchanged to allow for improvement. The purpose of this movement known as the Good Practice Movement (GPM) is to support a culture of continuous improvement.
Planning meetings for the formation of the GPM began in September 2020. The planning committee comprised a subgroup of the members of Technical Committee (TC) 18 – Management Services of the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards. The chronology of events for the period 2020 to 2022 is as follows:

Benefit to Members
● Exchange information on your products/services/offerings
● Enhance your business and life relationships
● Increase your competence in continuous improvement tools for your work, communities and personal life
● Be part of a growing network of people from all sectors of society supporting a culture of continuous improvement
● Recognition of our good practices
● Involvement in our entrepreneurial and youth development
● Contribute to our sustainable development
Strategy/Approach: Establish and sustain a network of people advocating for continuous improvement and known as the Good Practice¹ Movement² (GPM).
Mission: We support a culture of continuous improvement via the exchange of knowledge, experience, tools and techniques related to products and services, and the recognition of good practices towards our sustainable development.
Vision for 2025: A network of people, representing the society, involved in engagement, information exchange, empowerment and recognition, and impacting effectiveness, efficiency, innovation and sustainability.

Core Values
• Inclusion and Engagement
• Information Exchange
• Empowerment and Recognition
● Recognise, create, maintain and share a repository of good practices related to products and services offered in Saint Lucia and the Caribbean
● Advocate for good practices and its benefits in the provision of ALL products and services
● Promote the use of good practices as a starting point for innovation and the development of product and services
● Coordinate forums for members to exchange information related to their products and services
● Specifically engage the youth
Expected Impact
• Equipped and confident people capable of progressing in their personal and work life
• A more vibrant, diversified and productive society
• Enthusiastic and empowered youth with an entrepreneurial mind-set
• Contributing to the 5 pillars of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of
people, prosperity, planet, peace and partnership
¹ A good practice is a successful experience – it has been proven to work well and produce good results – and is therefore recommended as a base for continuous improvement. It deserves to be shared so that a great number of people can adapt and/or adopt it
² What is a Movement? A group of people with a shared purpose who create change together.