Successful companies have been studied and the common elements identified are captured in a set of international standards known as the ISO 9000 Quality Management System series. A quality management system has been described as business common sense. It is a business improvement tool which provides guidance on good management practices. Training in a Quality Management System Based on the ISO 9000 Series delves into the requirements of a quality management system. This training course is highly recommended for businesses and other organizations committed to continually improvement.

The benefits to be gained from implementing these requirements include:

 enhanced customer satisfaction

 improved operational efficiency and effectiveness

 continual improvement of products/services


This one day training includes PowerPoint presentations, discussions, group activities, and course material.


Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards SLBS)

Record of Participation

Certificates of participation will be issued.

Cost: $180.00 per participant


Call the SLBS at: 453-0049, 456-0102 or 456-0546.

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