This Certification program is a voluntary programme aimed at setting standards for the operation of beauty and wellness facilities to ensure the protection of the health and safety of consumers and delivery of quality service by professional and knowledgeable operators.

The certification programme has three tiers/levels, bronze, gold and platinum. At each level there are set requirements.
Establishment meeting compliance to the requirements of the standard SLCP 13:2012 are eligible for a Tier I Certification- Bronze.
For Tier II Certification – Gold and Tier III Certification- Platinum, applicants must in addition to meeting requirements for Bronze certification comply with requirements of the standards specific to their operations, (be it for example for spas, barber shops, tattoo parlours)
Application into the program, legal requirements and an assessment by a third party inspector (SLBS) must be observed at all levels of certification
Under this programme the Quality Logo is issued once certified.