Import Monitoring

This component involves the monitoring of all products imported into St. Lucia for which compulsory standards have been adopted. It helps prevent the entry of goods, which are likely to be a danger to consumers and the environment. These currently include:

  • Packaged Water
  • Cigarettes
  • Household electrical appliances
  • Tyres (new/used)
  • Labels of prepackaged foods/goods

The importer/broker is required to provide the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards with the following documentation

  1. Customs SAD
  2. Invoice
  3. Product specification (where required)
  4. Conformity statement (where required)

Tyre Inspections

This component ensures the inspections of all (new and used) tyres imported into St. Lucia for retail sale. A hundred percent of used tyres are inspected and ten percent of new tyres are inspected.

Things to do before inspection:

Schedule inspection- The SLBS requires that all requests for tyes inspections be made at least twenty four hours in advance.

Prepare tyres- Tyres must be free of foreign material including water, dirt and mud that may interfere with the inspection

Prepare premises- the importer is required to provide a warehouse that is adequate for inspection. The warehouse should have proper lighting and ventilation and provide adequate protection from sun and rain.

Inspectors will be checking for the following:

  • Brand Name
  • Country of Origin
  • DOT No or similar marking
  • Tread Depth
  • Sidewall
  •  Casing
  • Bead Cracking
  • Tread wear Indicator
  • Maximum Pressure and Maximum Load Ratings
  • Dimensional and Constructional characteristics
  • Tread wear(6mm new tyres, 4mm used tyres), Traction and temperature ratings

Warehouse Inspections

This involves the inspection of goods where the Standard declared is compulsory, at the retailer/distributor/manufacturer warehouse by SLBS inspectors. This includes inspections of Packaged Water and Electrical Appliances

Packaged Water Inspections

Inspection of all prepackaged water before it is distributed to ensure it is in compliance with SLNS 29:2006 Specification for Packaged Water.

Schedule inspection– The distributor and SLBS inspector arrange an inspection time/date

Required information– In addition to the Customs SAD and invoices, third party microbiological reports for the specific batches imported must be presented to the SLBS prior to consignment clearance.

The SLBS then issues a statement of conformity if the water meets all relevant microbiological requirements

Electrical Appliance Testing

The intention is to ensure that all electrical products for which compulsory standards have been adopted meet basic electrical safety requirements in order to be sold on the local market.

Examples of appliances tested include: Microwaves, refrigerator, washers, blenders, coffee makers

Schedule inspection– The distributor and SLBS inspector arrange an inspection time/date

Required information– Customs SAD, invoices and if available third party certificates for the specific models of appliances on customs invoices from an accredited lab.

In the absence of certificates, the testing of appliances is mandatory and a certificate issued before the appliances are sold. Appliances cannot be legally sold unless tested and approved.

 Sample Size for new appliances

  • For consignments with more than 100 units – four (4) samples
  • For consignments with 50 to 100 units – 2 samples
  • For consignments with 2 to 50 units – 2 samples
  • For consignments with 1 unit – 1 sample

A hundred percent of used appliances for resale must be tested


 Inspection Fees:

  • New appliances: $40/unit
  • Used appliances: $45/unit
  • Retesting: $35/unit
  • Label assessment: $25/label (one label per consignment per model)
  • Type approval: $150-300 review per standard (functional/operational)

Test parameters:

  • Preliminary Visual Inspection
  • Earth Bond Testing
  • Insulation Tetsing
  • Flash Testing
  • Load Testing
  • Earth Leakage Measurement
  • Functional Check

After testing against the relevant electrical standards, electrical reports as well as test certificates are issued. If the appliances have failed the testing requirements, the distributor is allotted time for corrective action. Failure to bring the item into conformance will result in seizure.

Voluntary Label Assessment

The voluntary label assessment programme enables retailers, distributors and manufacturers to ensure their product label conforms to relevant mandatory standards prior to market entry.

Application Process

  • Application form must be completed
  • Label submitted
  • Fee $20 or $25 dollars per product (dependant on standard used for assessment)
  • Statement of conformity is issued if the label conforms
  • Assessment letter if the label does not conform

This process takes five working days.

Market Surveillance

  • General Retail Surveillance

This component ensures the inspections of all the labels of prepackaged foods, goods and cigarettes on the St. Lucian market to ensure that it conforms to the mandatory labeling requirements

SLBS inspectors visit store/shops/supermarkets around the island. This is performed every quarter.

Examples of label requirements: net content, product information is in the English language, country of origin, manufacturers address

  • Packaged Water Surveillance

Samples of all brands of water on the supermarket shelves are purchased and tested for microbiological parameters to ensure product safety.

Packaged Water Pant Inspection

Bottled Water Plants are inspected by the SLBS on a risk basis to ensure compliance with the Code of  Hygiene Practice for Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Packaged Water  SLCP 4:2003, Operational Requirements and the Bottled Water Protocol and SLNS 29:2006 Specification for Packaged Water.

Procedure for Appeal or Review

The appellant first submits a written appeal with supporting documents to the Director of the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards.

If after meeting with the Director the appellant is not satisfied and wishes to escalate the appeal, the appellant may appeal to the Appeals Committee by submitting a written appeal with supporting documents to the Chairman of the Appeals Committee, and a copy to SLBS.

A meeting of the Appeals Committee is held, the Appeals Committee’s rules on the appeal, the appellant’s signed a statement of acceptance or non-acceptance of the ruling.

If the decision made by the Appeals Committee’s results in the need for any corrective action, the corrective action is implemented in accordance to SLBS documented procedure.


Upon receipt of appellant’s non-acceptance of the ruling of the Appeals Committee, SLBS prepares a report/update and attaches any additional documents which arise from the matter under dispute and submits to the Disputes Committee.

The Disputes Committee’s rules on the matter and the appellant’s signed statement of acceptance or non-acceptance of the ruling.

Where the appellant does not agree with the ruling given by the Disputes Committee, the SLBS refers the appellant to the Parliamentary Commissioner/Ombudsman for a final review of the matter. The decision of this office is considered final and binding.